Monday, May 23, 2011

The Weekend in review:

Friday night-Bonfire on the deck. What? Yes. We have a chiminea (I have no idea how to spell that)...and yes, we almost burned the deck down...well, our friend, David, almost did.

Saturday-Slept through Naomi's gymnastics-woops! Tate's soccer game. Dallas took the kids fishing while I prepared for Saturday night...

Saturday night-Felt brave, had a family of 8 over for dinner! I actually feel accomplished to have fed 13 people on the deck that night while averting the wasps! whew! That was FUN! Kids everywhere and nowhere to be seen at the same time, which freed us up to get to know the mom and dad of these fabulous 6!

Sunday-church, lunch out with two of our former YL kids, Young Life dessert thing, ran five miles, had our high school friends over, which turned in to another deck bonfire (so sorry if you're a tree hugger) followed by RIVER MONSTERS! woowee! FYI: I watch 45 minutes of River Monsters, and then we come to the part where we actually FIND the River Monsters, and I spend the next fifteen minutes each time looking away from the tv saying, "GROSS!" Oddly enough, at one point, I was a Marine Biology major.

But the Good News this glorious Monday Morning is this:

And, if you don'tknow what this is all about, contact me, and I'll help you dig out from under your rock. !)

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